Numeric arrays

The Array type represents a numeric array with one or two dimensions.

Array indexing

To get or set an element in an array, use the index [] operator. Elements along each dimension start at 1 and can be negative. (Negative indices start from the end of the dimension.) Two-dimensional arrays are accessed with a pair of indices noted (i, j), where i represents the i th row and j represents the j th column. For example, index (3, 2) represents the item in the third row in the second column, whereas (1, -1) represents element in the first row and in the last column.

var X = new Array(3, 4)
X[1,4] = 10

Global functions

read_matrix(path[, separator[, drop_header]])

Reads a two-dimensional numeric array from a CSV file, in which values are separated by separator (by default, a comma). If drop_header is true (default), the first line will be treated as a header and will be dropped.

write_matrix(M, path[, separator])

Writes a two-dimensional numeric array M to a CSV file, in which values are separated by separator (by default, a comma).


class Array
Array(m[, n])

Constructs a vector with m elements or an m by n matrix. All elements are initialized to 0.


Returns a new array where n was added to each element in the original array.

See also sub(), mul(), div()


Returns a deep copy of the array.


Returns a new array where each element in the original array was divided by n.

See also add(), sub(), mul()


Returns the i th row as a new one-dimensional array. The original array must be two-dimensional.

See also: get_column()


Returns the j th column as a new one-dimensional array. The original array must be two-dimensional.

See also: get_row()


Returns a new array where each element in the original array was multiplied by n.

See also add(), sub(), div()


Randomly shuffles the elements of the array. This method modifies the array in place.

slice(d1_from, d1_to[, d2_from, d2_to])

Returns a new array which is a slice of the original array. If the original array has one dimension, the result is a one-dimensional array starting from index d1_from up to and including d1_to. If the array has two dimensions, the result is a matrix that includes rows starting from row d1_from up to and including row d1_to, and columns starting from d2_from up to and including row d2_to.


Returns a new array where n was subtracted from each element in the original array.

See also add(), mul(), div()


Returns a string representation of the array.


Returns the transpose of the matrix.



Returns the number of dimensions of the array.


Returns the number of columns in the array.


Returns the number of elements in the array.


Returns the number of rows in the array.