
This page documents the Sound type, which represents a sound file loaded in memory.

Global functions


Return a list of all the sounds in the current project.


Return a list of all the selected sounds in the current project.


Return the Sound object from the current project whose path is path, or null if there is no such sound. If the object exists but is not a sound, an error is thrown.


Return the Sound object loaded in the current view, or null if the current view is neither an annotation view nor a sound view.


This is a convenience function that displays the intensity at the given time in the current view.


This is a convenience function that displays the pitch at the given time in the current view.


This is a convenience function that displays the values of the visible formants at the given time in the current view.


Converts frequency f (in Hertz) to bark. See [TRA1990].

Note: if f is an Array, the conversion is applied to all the elements in the array.


Converts frequency z (in bark) to Hertz. See [TRA1990].

Note: if z is an Array, the conversion is applied to all the elements in the array.


Converts frequency f (in Hertz) to ERB units. See [GLA1990].

Note: if f is an Array, the conversion is applied to all the elements in the array.


Converts frequency e (in ERB units) to Hertz. See [GLA1990].

Note: if e is an Array, the conversion is applied to all the elements in the array.


Converts frequency f (in Hertz) to mel.

Note: if f is an Array, the conversion is applied to all the elements in the array.


Converts frequency mel (in mel) to Hertz.

Note: if mel is an Array, the conversion is applied to all the elements in the array.

hertz_to_semitones(f0[, ref])

Converts frequency f0 (in Hertz) to semitones, using ref as a reference frequency (in Hertz). If ref is not provided, it is equal to 100 Hz.

Note: if f0 is an Array, the conversion is applied to all the elements in the array.


Converts the number of semitones st to Hertz, using ref as a reference frequency (in Hertz). If ref is not provided, it is equal to 100 Hz.

Note: if st is an Array, the conversion is applied to all the elements in the array.


class Sound

add_property(category, value)

Adds a property to the sound. category must be a string and value can be a string, a number or a Boolean. If the file already has a property with the same category, the value will be replaced with the new one.


Removes the property whose category is category from the sound. If there is no such category, this method does nothing.


Gets the property whose category is category from the sound, or null if there is no such category.


Measures the intensity (in dB) at the given time.

get_pitch(time[, minimum_pitch[, maximum_pitch[, voicing_threshold]]])

Returns the pitch (in Hz) at the given time, or undefined if the sound is unvoiced at that time. Optionally, you can specify the minimum and maximum pitches, as well as the voicing threshold used by the pitch detection algorithm. If these optional parameters are not provided, your current settings will be used instead.

get_formants(time[, nformant[, maximum_frequency[, maximum_bandwidth[, window_length[, lpc_order]]]]])

Returns an Array containing nformant rows and 2 columns. The first column contains formant values (in Hertz), such that F1 is at index (1, 1), F2 is at index (2, 1), etc. The second column contains the formants’ bandwidths: F1’s bandwidth is at index (1, 2), F2’s bandwidth is at (2, 2), etc. Optionally, you can specify the number of formants to extract, the maximum possible frequency of the last formant, the maximum bandwidth for candidate formants, the analysis window length and the LPC order. If these optional parameters are not provided, your current settings will be used instead.



Returns the path of the sound file.


Returns the duration of the file in seconds.


Returns the sample rate of the file in Hertz.


Returns the number of channels in the file.


Glasberg, Brian R & Brian C.J Moore. 1990. Derivation of auditory filter shapes from notched-noise data. Hearing Research 47(1–2). 103–138.


Traunmüller, Hartmut. 1990. Analytical expressions for the tonotopic sensory scale. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 88(1). 97–100.