String processing

This page documents the String type.

General concepts

A String is a sequence of characters enclosed between double quotes, such as "this". Strings in Phonometrica are immutable, which means that you cannot modify them directly. All functions which “modify” a string actually return a new (modified) version of the string but leave the original string unchanged.

All string functions assume that strings are encoded according to the UTF-8 Unicode standard. A good tutorial about UTF-8 can be found at the following address: In the remainder of this document, the term character is used to mean extended grapheme cluster in the sense of the Unicode specification. This generally corresponds to the notion of “user-perceived character”.


class String

Get character at position pos. If pos is negative, counting starts from the end.


Create a new string which is the concatenation of this and other. Another, simpler way to concatenate strings is to use the operator +.


Returns true if the string contains substring, and false otherwise.


Returns the number of times substring appears in the string.

var s = "cacococococa"
var count = s.count("coco")

print(count) # prints "2"

Note: matches don’t overlap.


Returns true if the string ends with suffix, and false otherwise.

See also: starts_with()

insert(pos, other)

Returns a copy of the string with other inserted at position pos


Get the substring corresponding to the n first characters of the string.


Returns a copy of the string with whitespace characters removed at the left end of the string.

var s = "  hello  "

s = s.ltrim()
print("$" + s + "$") # prints "$hello  $"

See also: trim(), rtrim()

mid(from, to)

Returns the substring of str starting at index from and ending at index to (inclusive). If to equals -1, returns the substring from from until the end of the string.

var s = "c'était ça"

print(s.mid(3, 7)) # "était"
print(s.mid(3,-1)) # "était ça"


Returns a copy of the string where all (non-overlapping) instances of the substring substr have been removed.

See also: remove_at(), remove_first(), remove_last()

remove\_at(at, count)

Returns a copy of the string where count code points, starting at position at, have been removed.

See also: remove(), remove_first(), remove_last()


Returns a copy of the string where the first instance of substr has been removed.

See also: remove_at(), remove(), remove_last()


Returns a copy of the string where the last instance of substr has been removed.

See also: remove_at(), remove(), remove_first()

replace(old, new)

Returns a copy of the string where all (non-overlapping) instances of the substring old have been replaced by new.

See also: replace_at(), replace_first(), replace_last()

replace\_at(at, count, new)

Returns a copy of the string where count code points, starting at position at, have been replaced by new.

See also: replace(), replace_first(), replace_last()

replace\_first(str, old, new)

Returns a copy of the string where the first instance of the substring old has been replaced by new.

See also: replace_at(), replace(), replace_last()

replace\_last(str, old, new)

Returns a copy of the string where the last instance of the substring old has been replaced by new.

See also: replace_at(), replace(), replace_first()


Returns a new string with all the characters in the string in reversed order.

Get the substring corresponding to the n last characters of the string.


Returns a copy of the string with whitespace characters removed at the right end of the string.

var s = "  hello  "

s = s.rtrim()
print("$" + s + "$") # prints "$  hello$"

See also: ltrim(), trim()


Returns a table of strings which have been split at each occurrence of the substring delim. If delim is the empty string, it returns a list of the characters in the string.


Returns true if the string starts with prefix, and false otherwise.

See also: ends_with()


Returns a copy of the string where each code point has been converted to lower case.

var s1 = "C'ÉTAIT ÇA"
var s2 = s1.to_lower()

print(s2) # prints "c'était ça"

See also: to_upper()


Returns a copy of the string where each code point has been converted to upper case.

var s1 = "c'était ça"
var s2 = s1.to_upper()

print(s2) # prints "C'ÉTAIT ÇA"

See also: to_lower()


Returns a copy of the string with whitespace characters removed at both ends of the string.

var s = "\t  hello  \n"

s = s.trim()
print("$" + s + "$") # prints "$hello$"

See also: ltrim(), rtrim()



Returns the length of the string, in Unicode extended grapheme clusters.

var s = "안녕하세요"
print(s.length) # Prints "5"